Fasano House

Fasano House

  • Administration

校友欢迎中心和大学发展部所在地. 最初是1880年威廉·克拉克·伯迪克建造的私人住宅,有两层, L-shaped frame structure with a cross-gable roof and gabled dormers. 复杂的木制品装饰了屋檐和天窗以及房子的其他特征. As a notable example of the Eastlake style, 这座房子是该村历史街区的重要建筑.

Statistics and History

  • Constructed: 1880
  • Re-constructed: 2006
  • 纪念:法萨诺家族和德尔塔·西格玛·披的校友兄弟
  • In this building: University Advancement

About this Facility

The house at 79 N. 主街在阿尔弗雷德是一个重要的结构,不仅因为它的建筑,而且对村庄和皇冠体育app的历史.

Born in Alfred, William C. Burdick, a man of "sound judgment, 他曾就读于阿尔弗雷德学院,是当地第七日浸信会的杰出成员. He owned and operated the Allegany Cheese Company, 由于他的可靠和诚实,他是纽约西部最有名的商行. 他对皇冠体育app的爱和支持包括慷慨的慈善捐赠以及在董事会任职45年.

Burdick's second wife, Amanda Crandall Prescott, was the daughter of Judge Clark Crandall, one of Alfred's pioneer settlers. She also attended the Alfred Academy and was graduated in 1848; she furthered her studies elsewhere and became a music teacher. When her first husband, E.S. 普雷斯科特于1879年去世,她回到阿尔弗雷德,并最终于1885年嫁给了威廉·伯迪克.

1893年,阿曼达邀请当地妇女在她的客厅非正式会面,建立了一个读书俱乐部. 第二年,它被正式组织起来,并被命名为“阿曼丁俱乐部”. Burdick for opening her home for their weekly meetings. The club's activities were, and still are, social and cultural. In 1936, 该组织与另一个当地团体联合,目前是艾伦市民阿曼达俱乐部.

Following the death of William Burdick in 1902, 阿曼达被选为她丈夫在大学董事会的继任者. 她设立了阿曼达·马尔维纳·伯迪克奖学金,并把钱捐给了哈佛大学, with her stepdaughter, Susan M. 伯迪克,一个男子寄宿大厅(伯迪克大厅)以及乔丹大厅目前占用的土地.

阿曼达死于1920年,她被形容为一个具有“罕见的个人魅力”的人, broad sympathy, and wise judgment."

Susan M. 伯迪克在1922年把房子卖给了德尔塔·西格玛·菲兄弟会,直到2003年,除了第二次世界大战期间的一段短暂时期外,德尔塔·西格玛·菲兄弟会一直拥有并经营着它的组织. 这所大学在校园里安置了学生军训练团,需要主要的女性住所, The Brick, for their barracks. Needing a place to now house the women, 大学与兄弟会达成协议,允许他们使用宿舍. 因此,伯迪克/德尔塔大楼被移交给大学,用作女子宿舍. It was there that the nurses corps was established; this corps later led to the formation of the University's College of Nursing.

Fire twice damaged the house. 1936年,一名油漆工的喷灯引起了一场大火,烧毁了阁楼,造成的损失估计为8美元,000. 石板屋顶和蜿蜒的楼梯使消防员的工作非常困难. 1981年,三楼发生火灾,据信是线路故障引起的. The fire and water damage was extensive.

Burdick/Delta House代表了阿尔弗雷德的先驱们努力工作和成功的奉献精神, 成为对他们的城镇有贡献的成员和教育的坚定支持者, 以及支持妇女的教育和文化知识. As a fraternity house for over 80 years, it contributed to the life of hundreds of the University's alumni, including a number of members of the Board of Trustees. 它将继续成为大学的焦点,作为一个欢迎中心的角色,以及阿尔弗雷德丰富的遗产的提醒.

皇冠体育app在2002年停止承认所有希腊社团(兄弟会和姐妹会). Delta Sigma Phi turned its house over to the University. 拥有这座房子80多年的兄弟会成员领导了筹集资金的努力,并贡献了修复和翻新这座房子以迎接新生活所需资金的一半以上, (55岁的Jon Tabor将所有对翻修基金的捐款一一匹配.)作为校友欢迎中心和大学发展部所在地.

The Welcome Center at Fasano House is dedicated to Joseph, AU class of 1954 and the late Ann Saunders Fasano, class of 1953, and their late son, Patrick, class of 1980. Joe and Pat Fasano were both Delta Sigma Phi members.

Through the efforts of Robert Corbin, a 1956 AU alumnus, 该大学获得了国家认可的钱伯斯墨菲建筑师伊丽莎白·科尔宾·墨菲的服务 & Burge Restoration Architects, Akron, Ohio. 她与室内设计师薇薇安·海德(Vivian Hyde)合作,发现并重现了原始的建筑细节, including intricately carved woodwork, stained glass and raised plaster decorations on the wall. 他们通过层层的油漆和纸张来确定原始的配色方案,以使修复尽可能准确地反映历史. As much as possible, 建筑的外观和一楼已经恢复到原来的维多利亚风格.

他们请了几位当地的工匠来帮助他们进行修复. 工匠Joe Dosch, Leroy Herrick和Joe Fasano '53帮助创造木制品. John Gill '75, professor of ceramic art, made molds so that the raised plaster designs could be replicated. 玛丽·哈里斯91年制作的模板用来装饰楼下的会议室. 总承包商是阿尔弗雷德伯迪克建筑用品公司的艾伦·伯迪克和杰森·伯迪克,以及最初拥有这座房子的家族的后代.