Alfred University 新闻

Alfred University announces 2024 Marlin Miller Outstanding Seniors

皇冠体育app的学生Brian Ngatunga和Emilia Donenberg Smith被选为2024年马林·米勒杰出毕业生奖的获得者. 这对夫妇从21位杰出的提名者和5位决赛者中脱颖而出,获得了这项享有盛誉的荣誉.

马林·米勒杰出高级奖的获奖者是根据奖学金选择的, extracurricular achievement, personal character and conduct, and nominations by faculty, 学生, 工作人员, 或校友. 该奖项的设立是为了纪念皇冠体育app54年的校友马林·米勒, H ’89, H ’19 one of Alfred University’s most generous supporters. 米勒担任皇冠体育app董事会成员长达半个世纪, from 1972-22, and is Board Chair emeritus.

Ngatunga, from Mwanza, 坦桑尼亚, 他将提前一年毕业,获得商业分析学士学位和市场营销副修学位,并获得3.95 grade-point average. 他是朱莉安娜·约翰和彼得·莱纳斯·恩加通加的儿子,毕业于印第安纳州科科莫的科科莫高中. 恩加通加在他的祖国坦桑尼亚度过了高中的前两年,然后在阿什维尔的阿什维尔高中参加了一个交换项目, NC, and then his senior year in Kokomo.

Ngatunga是一名荣誉项目的学生,自2021年秋季以来,每学期都在院长名单上. He has been inducted into the Delta Mu Delta, Alpha Kappa Phi, πγ, Mu Kappa Tau, Alpha Iota Delta, Beta Gamma Sigma, 和奥米克隆三角洲卡帕荣誉社团,并担任后者的主席. He is a recipient of the CUTCO Foundation Scholarship (April 2023), the 多样性 Leadership Award (April 2023), and the Fiat Five Award (April 2022).

He is president of the International Students Association, co-chair of the President’s Committee on 多样性, Student Senate 多样性 chair, and coordinator of the Institute of Cultural Unity. He has been involved in several projects at Alfred University, 包括与首席多元化官合作发展和实施多元化, 股本, and Inclusion (DE&I) initiatives; helping develop plans for usage of the Foster Lake recreational area in order to enhance student experience; and Entering the Kenya Market, 一项与同学们共同开展的综合性研究项目,该项目侧重于美国的视角.S. companies on doing business in the African nation of Kenya.

Since the Fall of 2021, Ngatunga曾在皇冠体育app信息技术服务中心担任咨询台顾问, as a food server for AVI Fresh, as a student ambassador for Admissions, as a Teaching assistant for the College of Business, 此前曾担任住宅社区办公室的居民和社区助理以及非盟优势夏季桥梁项目的同伴导师. After graduation, 他希望在商业或市场分析领域工作,或者在美国读研究生.

In nominating Ngatunga for a Marlin Miller Award, Eliza Ordway, director of Student Activities, lauded him for his campus involvement. 他的成就之一是成功地恢复了国际学生协会.

“Since setting foot on this campus Brian has been engaged. He is willing to listen, learn, and lead. 他是一名招生大使,传播他对皇冠体育app的热爱,” Ordway said. “他在校长多样性委员会和学生参议院中是一个积极的声音, all while working three jobs and spreading kindness everywhere he goes. 他想让皇冠体育app的所有学生都能体验得更好,而不仅仅是他的小圈子里的人.”

Shelly Freyn, professor of marketing, who nominated Ngatunga for the award, cited numerous projects he has been involved with during his time at Alfred, 其中包括阿盖尔地球,他进行了市场调查,并进行了可行性研究,评估了纽约西部地区的食品加工商采用创新技术将废热转化为电能,以及创业阿勒格尼大学竞赛, for which he led a team that won second place.

“布莱恩在课堂内外不断学习和应用他的课程,” Freyn said. “我认为布莱恩在学术上的成功是马林·米勒奖获得者的缩影, countless hours of service, community involvement, and amazing attitude in representing the University.”

来自伊利诺伊州威尔梅特的史密斯正在攻读美术和物理双学位. She has a cumulative grade-point average of 3.89 and has been named several times to the Dean’s List at Alfred University. The daughter of Geri Donenberg and Kenny Smith, she is a graduate of New Trier High School in Winnetka, IL.

The recipient of a Presidential Scholarship, Smith participates in the 荣誉 Program at Alfred University. 她是2023年Natasha Goldowski Renner物理学奖和2023年美国陶瓷学会(ACerS)科学创造力奖的获得者.

2023年,她获得康宁玻璃博物馆奖学金,师从著名玻璃艺术家Martin Janecky. In the summer of 2022, Smith是布鲁克林的Urban Glass和Brooklyn Glass的玻璃吹制助理/老师, NY. The previous summer, she was an intern at Los Angeles Glassblowing.

During her time as a student at Alfred University, Smith has served as a teaching assistant in the School of Art and Design, teaching glassblowing, 并在文理学院担任数学系的同行领袖. Since August 2020, 她曾担任志愿消防员和紧急医疗服务的第一响应者.E. Crandall Hook and Ladder Company in Alfred.

Smith has shown her art in numerous exhibitions at Alfred University. 2022年,她在华盛顿州斯坦伍德的皮尔查克玻璃学校的皮尔查克员工展上展出. She has also been active in dance, 连续三年参加表演部组织的“舞蹈之夜”. 今年秋天,她计划在意大利穆拉诺的玻璃吹制工作室Wave Glass全力工作.

“Emilia’s work ethic and ability in glass making is tremendous. 她当然比大多数人投入更多的时间,这体现在她大规模雕刻玻璃的能力,以及将玻璃与霓虹灯结合在一起创造动态装置的能力,” said Angus Powers, professor of glass, in nominating Smith for the award. “艾米莉亚在表演艺术方面也非常活跃,与教师和客座艺术家一起编舞,并作为独舞者在团体中表演. Emilia stands out in her dance work just as she does in the glass studio. A strong artist in all of her creative pursuits!”

鲍尔斯继续说,史密斯“一直是电影制片厂女性的绝对领导者。. “吹制玻璃传统上是男性主导的专业,像艾米利亚这样的人向年轻的学生们展示了他们不仅可以制作玻璃, but they can be a leader and find leadership roles in the glass community.”

Garrett McGowan professor of chemistry, himself a glass art enthusiast, 在提名她为马林·米勒奖(Marlin Miller Award)时,她以艺术和物理双学位的学术工作为理由. “She has had some amazing (art) installations over the years,” McGowan said. “她在校园里非常活跃,并与同龄人分享她的知识和能力.”

Ngatunga and Smith will be honored during Commencement ceremonies on May 11, when they will offer comments to their classmates and others in attendance.