





那时我还太小,不明白妈妈为什么非要我穿蓝色的衣服. “ If you continue to play with dolls and wear pink your penis is going to fall off !”

年轻的时候, 我喜欢粉红色,想玩洋娃娃, 而是, I was compelled to wear blue clothes and play with robots to fit social norms expected of the typical Korean man. When I first learned about drag culture my world was flipped upside down. 拖提出了另一种性别观点. On stage, the drag queen assumes a persona to perform the opposite gender. 我认为变装是一种表达自我的创造性方式. 拖, 对我来说, is the ultimate form of self-expression and a way of expressing identity as a sexual minority. 对我来说, drag is a new perspective on artistry and an interesting departure from the society that tries to write it off.

My work explores modern drag culture, as a formative language for sculpture. 从再现他们夸张的时尚审美开始, 解剖改变, and their feminine gestures into collages in which abstract forms and reenactments of movement coexist. Currently, I’m experimenting with how I can express gender socialization. I am playing with and deconstructing socially defined codes of masculinity and femininity. I represent femininity by building curves and flowers dressed in flamboyant decorative patterns, 通过使用直线和粗糙的纹理来表现男子气概. 我对男性气质和女性气质的异质性很感兴趣. In addition, through a contrast of color, the social structure of gender is also expressed. 这个过程创造了一个单独的雕塑,其中存在两个方面. Allowing me to play with heterogeneous forms and spaces in an attempt to produce a sculpture that exists in the non-binary.