BFA Thesis Exhibit

Niall Cheney


Artist Statement

“We Flux and We Flummox”

Guides come and go through life
but they cannot tell you what sparks your heart.
This is the journey of life; figuring out
what you enjoy and attaining all of it.
We might run, trudge, fall,
but we move forwards.

This body of work is about navigating within exploration. 实验使这个过程保持新鲜,许多材料都被用于这个工作主体, be they seen or unseen. 艺术上的限制阻止了基本的冲动,这是这个作品的灵感来源.

重要的视觉主题是颜色、节奏、深度和抽象空间. 当使用特定的图像时,最重要的是它如何与概念相关联, which works in tandem with the imagery. The goal of these visuals is engaging communication with the viewer.

Deciding a concept can happen during development of an image or before. 颜色、图像和运动对自我都有意义,而不是特定项目的个体. Some works are much deeper in concept than others, 但在视觉上传达概念上的所有想法时,它们都得到了平等的对待.

These works are reactions off of reactions, so concepts are mainly one and done. Repeating concepts too soon can harm the process of visualization, as a main goal in this work is to continue moving on. Concepts of interest are returned to occasionally, 但要等到足够的时间过去了,才能在精神上围绕它建立一个全新的基础.

The titles won’t entirely answer your questions as a viewer. 它们是与观众的唯一直接交流,观众将被鼓励以不同的方式理解某些细节或只提供部分背景. Titles can also make a theme more apparent if it is subtle.

在这部作品中完全确定的艺术运动是德国表现主义和达达主义. 视觉上的侵略性和与木刻版画相似的外观是继承自德国表现主义的两个品质. Dadaism is utilized as humorous titles and bizarre visual choices and concepts.

An artistic movement identifiable in this work is Futurism, 但这只是(在非常基本的概念上)他们前进的想法,以及他们对节奏和色彩的视觉处理. 未来主义有可怕的含义,它的明显外观必须加以解决. 严格来说,它的视觉效果完全符合一个基本概念, 但是它的宣言和它所有的主题都没有在这个作品中找到任何东西.

As a viewer, 继续理解这项工作是开放的解释和探索,如你所愿彻底.

The image is mainly composed of different blues, and overall has the texture of a thick acrylic painting. The top is divided by a slightly thick black line which is slightly diagonal, and above it becomes the thick acrylic texture, but a darker blue than what is below. An image of a dog is repeated, one closer to the bottom right of the corner. 靠近图像左上方的狗和狗的头部顶部被黑线稍微挡住了. 从黑线出来的是一条非常细的黑线,它将狗更靠近左边. Surrounding the dog on the right is an orange line, which also blocks a majority of the left dog’s lower right body. It breaks into a right angle, and the bottom part of the line is longer than the part which goes right, and within it the blues are lighter than what exists outside. 左狗的轮廓继续在橙色线和右狗的左侧, which makes a majority of the right dog various purples. The right dog’s right side is a French gray to a gray blue, and they have a black glow surrounding them, The dog on the left is mainly deep purples and blues. 两只狗都有石墨的纹理,周围有明显的虹彩,纸一样的光. Their expression is very awkward, recalling renaissance paintings. Click to view The image is mainly composed of different blues, and overall has the texture of a thick acrylic painting. The top is divided by a slightly thick black line which is slightly diagonal, and above it becomes the thick acrylic texture, but a darker blue than what is below. An image of a dog is repeated, one closer to the bottom right of the corner. 靠近图像左上方的狗和狗的头部顶部被黑线稍微挡住了. 从黑线出来的是一条非常细的黑线,它将狗更靠近左边. Surrounding the dog on the right is an orange line, which also blocks a majority of the left dog’s lower right body. It breaks into a right angle, and the bottom part of the line is longer than the part which goes right, and within it the blues are lighter than what exists outside. 左狗的轮廓继续在橙色线和右狗的左侧, which makes a majority of the right dog various purples. The right dog’s right side is a French gray to a gray blue, and they have a black glow surrounding them, The dog on the left is mainly deep purples and blues. 两只狗都有石墨的纹理,周围有明显的虹彩,纸一样的光. Their expression is very awkward, recalling renaissance paintings. Full-Screen

A Dog’s Renaissance // Transfer onto Stonehenge Paper // 30 x 35.313 inches

On the left is a dark purple cloud which, in gradual shades, becomes lilac, pink, and fades into a desaturated yellow behind it. This happens across a third of the image, and unevenly, to mimic a cloud. 从这片云彩中打破的是一条线,它在作品的右上角摇摆, 通过相同的颜色层次快得多,并浓缩到线条的主体. 主云混合的不饱和黄色也成为一种舒缓的渐变, going to a teal, a gray purple, a grayed blue, a more saturated ultra marine, then a dark navy. A wispy, pink figure seems to leaning to the cloud of the left, and goes through the same color gradation, but without purple. The figure’s pink as well is brighter than what exists in the cloud. An aura the same color as the desaturated yellow seems to be pulled into the cloud, and gradients into the teal. Click to view On the left is a dark purple cloud which, in gradual shades, becomes lilac, pink, and fades into a desaturated yellow behind it. This happens across a third of the image, and unevenly, to mimic a cloud. 从这片云彩中打破的是一条线,它在作品的右上角摇摆, 通过相同的颜色层次快得多,并浓缩到线条的主体. 主云混合的不饱和黄色也成为一种舒缓的渐变, going to a teal, a gray purple, a grayed blue, a more saturated ultra marine, then a dark navy. A wispy, pink figure seems to leaning to the cloud of the left, and goes through the same color gradation, but without purple. The figure’s pink as well is brighter than what exists in the cloud. An aura the same color as the desaturated yellow seems to be pulled into the cloud, and gradients into the teal. Full-Screen

The Jar // Transfer onto Stonehenge Paper // 53.338 x 30 inches

 Four repeated images of a naked silhouette separated into quadrants of the image, all are in different locations. The bodies are respectively either a red-brown, or orange. They are acrylic, and are painted with energetic marks. The people have one arm stuck ahead and down, with one leg raised and the other leg back to suggest dancing. The quadrants of the image are separated in half with two lines, separated by a small line with details. 在这两条线的上方是较小的线,范围从淡黄色到洋红色. Behind the people are black horizontal lines with varying weight, and pastel colors outline these thicker lines as well as the silhouettes. 背景也有黄色条纹,在某些黑色条纹或蓝色条纹上. 点击查看四张被分割成图像象限的裸体剪影的重复图像, all are in different locations. The bodies are respectively either a red-brown, or orange. They are acrylic, and are painted with energetic marks. The people have one arm stuck ahead and down, with one leg raised and the other leg back to suggest dancing. The quadrants of the image are separated in half with two lines, separated by a small line with details. 在这两条线的上方是较小的线,范围从淡黄色到洋红色. Behind the people are black horizontal lines with varying weight, and pastel colors outline these thicker lines as well as the silhouettes. 背景也有黄色条纹,在某些黑色条纹或蓝色条纹上. Full-Screen

Nudists // Transfer onto Stonehenge Paper // 30 x 39.05 inches

The image is mainly reds, with green, yellow, red and purple dots interacting with shaded silhouettes. Repeated twice is an image of a dachshund with an imposing expression, and one is further left and up as well as bigger, and her head is interrupted by the end of the canvas, as she is cut off at her eyes. The other is further right and a bit lower. The graphite textured lines of the drawing of the dog are black. On the right of the image is a light brown cut by various magenta lines, these all fade into the previously mentioned dots. Over the light brown are magenta dots. The left of the image are black, bitmapped dots outlined with red, and the left dog has a small outline of magenta. Click to view The image is mainly reds, with green, yellow, red and purple dots interacting with shaded silhouettes. Repeated twice is an image of a dachshund with an imposing expression, and one is further left and up as well as bigger, and her head is interrupted by the end of the canvas, as she is cut off at her eyes. The other is further right and a bit lower. The graphite textured lines of the drawing of the dog are black. On the right of the image is a light brown cut by various magenta lines, these all fade into the previously mentioned dots. Over the light brown are magenta dots. The left of the image are black, bitmapped dots outlined with red, and the left dog has a small outline of magenta. Full-Screen

An Eldritch Woman // Transfer onto Stonehenge Paper // 51.9 x 30 inches