






牙科的职业范围从家庭牙科, 牙科手术, 从正畸学到牙科医学, 口腔生物学和病理学, 还有牙科麻醉学.

Students interested in pursuing a career in dentistry must acquire a strong foundation in the sciences during their undergraduate careers and have a proven track record of academic success.

  • 时间表-学生应参考皇冠体育app的 Pre-健康时间表 和牙科预科课程清单,以协助他们进行职业规划.
  • 课程作业-申请牙科学校必须证明在生物学方面的能力, 普通化学和有机化学, 物理, 和数学. 额外的课程,如生物化学, 生理学, and upper level courses in biology and chemistry obtained with a major or minor will strengthen the credentials for undergraduates applying to dental schools; furthermore, 申请者通常具有文科背景. Each school has its own requirements but students should refer to the Pre-Dental Curriculum Checklist to assist them in developing their program of study.
  • 成绩-申请人的平均成绩应在3分以上.以及对牙科领域的普遍兴趣.
  • Testing - Performance on the Dental Admission Test (DAT) is another crucial factor in the dental school admissions process. Students should take the DAT no later than the fall of the academic year before they plan to matriculate.
  • Official transcripts - Transcripts from all previous academic institutions must be submitted.
  • 面试——申请者必须经过面试程序.
  • It is important to get to know faculty members so that they can write appropriate letters of recommendation. 的 学前卫生专业咨询委员会 皇冠体育app可以为学生准备医学预科委员会的信.

考生应通过 美国牙科学校申请服务协会 (AADSAS).


LECOM has special 提前录取计划s with Alfred University that grants qualified students a provisional early acceptance to LECOM’s School of Dental Medicine. 应用程序 to the EAP is separate from the application to the undergraduate school.

学生可以在高中毕业时申请EAP. 目前在读的本科生也可以申请, they should contact the prehealth advisor at their school to see if they qualify. Students must submit their inquiry form before the beginning of their third year at Alfred University.


4+4轨道-该计划仅在佛罗里达州布雷登顿提供. 的 student must have a provisional letter of acceptance in the EAP before starting their third year at the undergraduate institution. 在提交AADSAS申请时, 完成四年的本科学习, 参加DAT考试并成功达到一定的GPA和其他要求, 该学生于次年7月进入LECOM的牙科医学院. LECOM的毕业生获得牙科医学博士学位.


Students apply to enroll in the EAP by following the link “提前录取计划 Inquiry” found on the 我的LECOM门户. LECOM将审核申请. 学生必须达到要求才能成功.


  • 一定是U.S. 公民或永久居民(国际学生可申请药学);
  • 不得具有学士及以上学历;
  • Must have at least two years remaining as a full-time student at Alfred University;
  • SAT Score (Math and Verbal Reasoning) greater than or equal to 1170 on a single exam taken before 3/1/16, a SAT score of 1240 or higher on a single exam taken after 3/1/16 or an ACT Composite score greater than or equal to 26 on a single exam;
  • 高中平均成绩3分.5对4.0级或更高.
  • Students already attending Alfred University must have at least a cumulative overall GPA of 3.2,理科平均绩点3.1或更高


如果学生符合要求, LECOM will offer the student a list of EAP interview dates to self-schedule an interview.


成功的面试之后, LECOM will notify the student that they qualify for a provisional letter of acceptance from LECOM and they will be enrolled for participation in the EAP upon approval by Alfred University of their choice and submission of their school email address to LECOM. 然后,学生和阿尔弗雷德将收到临时录取通知书.


额外的需求, 包括最后向LECOM提出申请, 必须满足的条件才能最终接受LECOM, 但不需要再进行一次面试.


Dental schools do not select or give preference to any particular majors; therefore, 你不一定非要主修理科. 牙科学校正在寻找受过良好教育和全面发展的个人.

大多数美国大学的最低课程要求.S. 下面列出了牙科学校及其澳大等效课程. 请检查 以及具体牙科学校的网站,了解任何额外的要求.

复选框 课程 非盟等效
英语 英语101或其他
英语 engl102或其他
复选框 课程 非盟等效
微积分我 数学151
数学或统计学 MATH 152; 381; 杂志226;
复选框 课程 非盟等效
物理我 物理111或125
物理二世 物理112或126
复选框 课程 非盟等效
普通化学I 化学105
普通化学II 化学106
有机化学I 化学315
有机化学II 化学316
复选框 课程 非盟等效
生物学基础(生物学课程必修) 杂志150年
细胞生物学 杂志211年
结构与功能 杂志2


Some schools require or highly recommended that applicants have exposure to advanced science courses, 特别是生物化学, 生理学, 解剖学, 和微生物学.


Dental schools want to be sure that applicants have a genuine understanding of the dental profession and dedication to the dental field. 结果是, you should develop a mentor relationship with a dental professional and establish a consistent record of volunteer work or service to dental health programs.


大多数牙科学校要求申请人参加DAT考试, which is administered on computer at Prometric Testing Centers and students can register through the American Dental Association’s (ADA) website. 的 test is usually taken spring semester of junior year and covers four areas of study: 1) a survey of natural sciences (biology, 普通化学, and organic chemistry); 2) reading comprehension; 3) quantitative reasoning; and 4) perceptual ability.


主要申请在入学前一年的夏季开始. 的 ADEA Associated American Dental 学校 应用程序 Service (ADEA AADSAS®) is the centralized application service for U.S. 牙科学校,简化了申请过程, allowing you to save time and energy by completing just one application for multiple dental schools. 许多学校都有滚动录取政策, 这意味着他们将持续审查申请, 当提交. Applicants who submit materials well before the deadlines may receive earlier interviews and consideration for admission! 建议在夏季结束前完成申请.


Alfred University has a special 提前录取计划 that grants qualified students a provisional early acceptance to LECOM’s School of Dental Medicine. 学生可以在高中毕业时申请EAP. Current undergraduate students must apply before the end of sophomore year for acceptance.


It is important that you are a well-rounded applicant that participates in meaningful activities on your college campus and within your community. Demonstrating leadership experience will make you stand out from other applicants and show you are actively preparing for your future as a dentist and a leader in your community.
