Biomaterials Engineering

A challenging program for the rapidly developing biomaterials industry

想要探索生物/医学领域的前沿技术,在那里技术和生活相遇? 皇冠体育app的生物材料工程项目将工程师培养成领导者, 解决非生物材料和生物系统之间的界面及其在现代医学中的地位所产生的复杂问题. Enter the workforce as a Biomaterials Engineer, 或进一步你的教育和事业在医疗保健专业推进毕业, medical or law school.


Campus Locations

Main Campus - Alfred, NY


Biomaterials Engineering (BS)

Double Major

Double Major option(s) offered.
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Biomaterials Engineering
  • BIOL 150 Biological Foundations
  • BIOL 211 Biochemistry and Cell Biology
  • BIOL 402 Immunology
  • CEMS 214 Structure and Properties of Materials
  • CEMS 215 Microscopy and Microstructural Characterization
  • CEMS 216 Bonding and Structure of Materials
  • CEMS 235 Thermodynamics of Materials
  • CEMS 251 Mechanics of Materials
  • CEMS 334 Introduction to Polymers
  • CEMS 336 Physical Metallurgy I
  • CEMS 347 Spectroscopy
  • CEMS 349 X-ray Characterization
  • CEMS 368 Introduction to Bioengineering
  • CEMS 465 Biocompatibility
  • CEMS 466 Skeletal Tissue (or BIOL 307 Anatomy and Physiology)
  • CEMS 468 Biomedical Materials
  • CHEM 105 General Chemistry I
  • CHEM 106 General Chemistry II
  • CHEM 310 Basic Organic Chemistry
  • ENGR 101 Introduction to Engineering
  • ENGR 102 Computer Aided Design
  • ENGR 104 Computer Aided Engineering
  • ENGR 110 Technical Communication
  • ENGR 11x Exploration Labs (select 2, 1 credit each)
  • ENGR 305 Engineering Statistics (or BIOL 226)
  • ENGR 306 Engineering Economics
  • ENGR 395 Engineering Design
  • ENGR 480 Senior Capstone Project
  • MATH 151 Calculus I
  • MATH 152 Calculus II
  • MATH 253 Calculus III
  • MATH 271 Differential Equations
  • PHYS 125 Physics I
  • Biology Electives
  • Technical Electives
  • Humanities, Social Science and Arts electives

For more information, please review the School of Engineering Curriculum by Semester Worksheets by degree program.

生物材料工程是稻盛县工程学院的双学位课程. 生物材料工程双学位的学生将完成生物材料工程的所有必修课程以及其主修工程的必修课程.


所有在皇冠体育app攻读本科学位的学生都可以获得工程学院的辅修课程, but they are generally intended for students majoring in engineering, math, and the physical sciences. Students must meet the prerequisites for the specified courses. An average of “C” or better must be attained in courses submitted for the minor. 一些未成年人有限制,以防止某些工程未成年人采取,如.e. 生物材料工程专业的学生不开设材料科学辅修课程, Ceramic Engineering or Glass Engineering Science.


  • BIOL 211 Biochemistry and Cell Biology
  • CEMS 214 Materials Structure and Properties
  • CEMS 368 Introduction to Bioengineering
  • CEMS 468 Biomedical Materials (or CEMS 465 Biocompatibility)
  • CHEM 310 Basic Organic Chemistry (or CHEM 315)

Plus 2 courses from the following list:

  • BIOL 302 General Microbiology
  • BIOL 307 Anatomy and Physiology: Nerves, Muscles and Skelton
  • BIOL 308 Anatomy and Physiology: Viscera
  • BIOL 375 Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy
  • BIOL 376 Animal Physiology
  • BIOL 402 Immunology
  • BIOL 420 Biochemistry: Proteins and Metabolism
  • BIOL 422 Biochemistry: Nucleic Acids
  • CEMS 466 Skeletal Tissue

如果你对工程有各种各样的兴趣,但不确定你最擅长或最喜欢与之合作, consider exploring our Undecided Engineering pathway. 稻盛县工程学院为尚未决定的一年级学生提供这种选择,让他们发现最适合自己的工程领域.

Undergraduate Full-Time Enrollment (from Fall Census)
Major 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016
Biomat. Eng./Biomed Mat. Eng. 24 25 32 30 31 33 34
Ceramic Engineering 35 39 44 61 68 68 63
Electrical Engineering N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Glass Engineering Science 11 11 19 23 24 15 15
Materials Sci and Engineering 19 31 38 36 48 48 48
Mechanical Engineering 119 145 167 194 168 182 185
Renewable Energy Engineering 19 27 40 44 29 30 44
Undecided Engineering 18 17 34 22 26 26 37
Non-Degree 0   0 0 2 4 4
Unduplicated Headcount 245 295 374 410 394 402 426
B.S. Graduates (August Through May)
Major 2022-2023 2021-2022 2020-2021 2019-2020 2018-2019 2017-2018 2016-2017
Biomat. Eng./Biomed Mat. Eng. 3 4 12 7 4 8 7
Ceramic Engineering 8 15 8 21 16 12 19
Electrical Engineering 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Glass Engineering Science 2 2 7 3 3 0 4
Materials Sci and Engineering 7 15 8 9 16 7 10
Mechanical Engineering 28 58 35 53 36 51 37
Renewable Energy Engineering 13 11 14 6 10 10 12
Total Degrees 61 105 84 99 85 88 89

What Will You Do?

Within the past few years, graduates have obtained jobs as:

  • Bioenvironmental Engineer - United States Air Force
  • Surgical Technologist - Albany Medical Center
  • Laboratory Technician - Stryker
  • Business Support Specialist - Synergy Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

生物材料工程专业研究非生物材料与生物系统之间的相互作用. 我们的毕业生将开发下一代生物材料设备,用于以下应用:

  • 新型诊断仪器(包括基因芯片等双分子材料混合设备).
  • 新的治疗策略,如组织工程和植入生物传感器和靶向/控制药物输送系统
  • New biomaterials for classic applications such as orthopedic devices.

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

项目教育目标(peo)是广泛的陈述,描述了我们期望非盟生物材料工程专业毕业生在毕业后3-5年内达到的目标. peo定期进行审查和修订,以确保该计划的教育目标与当今雇主的需求相关.

During the first few years after graduation:

  1. 毕业生将有资格在医疗器械行业的职业生涯与相关的, and general, materials fields. 毕业生将担任具有高技术技能要求和管理责任的职位.
  2. 毕业生将准备继续他们在技术和非技术领域的教育努力,包括生物医学工程的研究生学习, Tissue Engineering, medical Devices, general materials and other science and engineering majors; MBA programs, medical and veterinary schools, 法学院或适用于所选技术领域发展的短期课程/讲习班.
  3. 毕业生将准备领导他们的专业发展,包括社会活动, scholarly publications and student recruiting and mentoring.

Program Outcomes (Student Learning Outcomes)

Graduates of the Biomaterials Engineering program at Alfred University will have:

  1. An ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics.
  2. 能够运用工程设计来产生满足特定需求的解决方案,同时考虑到公共卫生, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors.
  3.  An ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences.
  4. 能够在工程环境中认识到道德和专业责任,并做出明智的判断, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts.
  5. 在团队中有效发挥作用的能力,团队成员共同发挥领导作用, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives.
  6. An ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions.
  7. 在需要时运用适当的学习策略获取和应用新知识的能力.

Nationally, 大约三分之一的生物医学材料专业的本科生直接进入就业市场, a third to graduate school (law, business, etc.), and a third to medical school.

Alfred Stories

Jean with a student

Professor of Biology

“这是我希望我的学生牢记在心的信息……找到你的激情:找到你想要的东西。, job, activity, or career that you enjoy and that you do well and work hard to make that happen."

Jean Cardinale
Find out more about Jean

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