

Begin your career in business with a 工商管理理学学士学位 (BSBA degree) from Alfred University. 你在工商管理课程的学习将为你的长期成功做准备. 工商管理学士学位将探索商业的各个方面, including finance, marketing, and management, giving you a broad-based skill set and empowering you to succeed in a business world that is complex and ever-changing.


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Double Major

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  • ACCT 211财务会计
  • ACCT 212管理会计
  • BUSI 105商业视角
  • BUSI 106当代商业
  • 国际商务
    or FIN 458国际财务管理
    or 经济学412国际经济学
    or MKTG 489国际营销
  • BUSI 499业务策略
  • FIN 348管理金融学
  • 法律241商业的法律环境
  • MGMT 328管理与组织行为
  • MGMT 484操作管理
  • MIS 390管理信息系统入门
  • MKTG 221营销原理与管理


Students are required to complete a Field Experience option selected from the following choices:
  • 批准实习(BUSI 485)
  • 含主动学习成分的高级课程(指定为CoB:实地经验)



  • MIS 101 Analytics I
  • BUSI 113描述分析与统计
  • BUSI 213商业研究方法
  • 数学104商业定量方法


  • ENGL 101 Writing I
  • ENGL 102 Writing II


  • 微观经济学原理
  • 经济学202宏观经济学原理


  1. 数学151-微积分我可以代替数学104
  2. Writing requirements are specified in the Catalog under General Education Requirements for Liberal Arts and Sciences, Basic Competencies, 书面交流.

Students opting for the business administration major must take the courses listed above in the Business Professional core and business elective courses to total a minimum of 48 credit hours in business. Business administration students are encouraged to focus their business interests through the selection of minors offered by the College of Business, 以及文理学院的未成年人. 艺术和科学核心课程, 通识教育要求, 艺术和科学选修课, 再加上一门高级经济学课程,总共至少60个学分, 也必须完成.

The 工商管理理学学士学位 degree is composed of professional core courses shared by all majors, 每个专业的商业课程, 商科选修共48学分, arts and sciences, 而通识教育的核心课程为商科指定, and liberal arts electives to reach a minimum of 60 credits of liberal arts courses (as required for all Bachelor of Science degrees). 取决于专业, you will take additional electives to reach the total of 120 credit hours required for graduation. 你亦须:

  • 完成至少30个学分的高级商业课程
  • 保持至少2.总体平均绩点为0
  • One Personal Fitness course (credits not included in the 120 credits required for graduation) and one Wellness Course
  • 满足大学的全球视野要求

在BSBA项目的第一年完成后, 我们敦促所有商科学生获得有价值的, 只有实习才能提供真实的经验. 往届学生都曾在财富500强企业实习, hockey foundations, 宗教慈善组织, music companies, and many others.

  • 大多数实习是在两个学期之间的夏季进行的
  • Each credit hour you’ll earn equals 45 hours of work; you'll figure out the actual schedule with your site supervisor
  • 实习可能有报酬,也可能没有报酬,这取决于你所在的机构
  • 成绩是基于完成的, 及时提交所有必要的实习文件, 以期末学习报告权重最大

任何非商学院的学生都可以修工商管理双学位. To earn a 工商管理 double major, take all courses listed below, totaling 62 credits.


  • ACCT 211财务会计
  • ACCT 212管理会计
  • BUSI 113或其他非盟统计课程
  • BUSI 213研究方法
  • BUSI 499业务策略
  • 各种国际商务选择
  • 经济学202宏观经济学原理
  • FIN 348管理金融学
  • 法律241营商法律环境
  • MGMT 328管理和组织行为
  • MGMT 484操作管理
  • MIS 101分析学II
  • 管理信息系统入门
  • MKTG 221营销原则 & Management
  • 微观经济学原理
  • ENGL 101 Writing 1
  • 数学104或151或更高,或商业150
  • MKTG 300+选择1门高级商务选修课

You can greatly enhance your career opportunities by earning a 工商管理硕士 (MBA) degree in one year after completing your bachelor's degree in business administration.

This streamlined and competitive opportunity allows our undergraduate students to earn both their undergraduate degree and 工商管理硕士 加速格式(4+1).

The business administration minor for non-College of Business students is designed to not only serve as a minor for non-College of Business students but also as Pre-MBA program for students who choose to pursue graduate study in the field of business.

辅修课程被称为“4+1”课程, 在那里你可以获得工商管理辅修,然后继续 Alfred MBA program 并且能够在一年内完成. The minor is an additional twenty-eight (28) credit hours for non-College of Business students, 总共九门会计课程, business, economics, finance, management, and marketing.


  • ACCT 211 -财务会计
  • ACCT 212 -管理会计-(先决条件:ACCT 211)
  • BUSI 113 -描述性分析和统计(数学241), ENGR 305, POLS/SOCI 230, 或PSYC 220可代替)
  • ECON 201 - Principles of Microeconomics - (Prerequisite: Sophomore standing) (ENGR 206 may be substituted)
  • 经济学202 -宏观经济学原理
  • 财务管理-(先决条件:ACCT 211/212, ECON 201/202)
  • MGMT 328 - Management & 组织行为学(先决条件:初级)
  • MGMT 484 -操作管理(前提条件:BUSI 113, ACCT 212, MGMT 328) (CEMS 484可以替代)
  • MKTG 221 -市场营销原则

A maximum of 30 credits in courses offered by the College of Business may be taken by non-business students. 满足这一次要满足所有的基础要求 皇冠体育appMBA.

Completion of the 4+1 undergraduate coursework does not automatically admit a student into the MBA program.

At least half of your coursework for the minors in our College of Business must be completed at Alfred University. 平均绩点为“C”(2).0)或以上必须达到的课程提交完成辅修.

皇冠体育app近98%的学生获得某种形式的经济援助, 大部分是以奖学金和助学金的形式,不需要偿还. 我们强烈建议你申请经济援助,即使你不确定你是否有资格. 我们致力于让您的非盟教育负担得起.

有关更多信息,请查看 Financial Aid page or see the Scholarship page 了解更多关于奖学金的机会.


98% of Alfred University’s BSBA graduates are employed full-time or entered graduate school after six months of graduation. 我们最近的工商管理毕业生拥有各种各样的职位,包括:

  • Financial Analyst
  • 管理培训生/风险管理专家
  • Business Manager
  • 策略策划助理
  • Tech Specialist
  • IT Analyst
  • Portfolio Analyst
  • Catering Supervisor

Business administration graduates who have been building on their degree for several years advance to managerial roles such as Chief Operating Officer, 资讯系统总监, 高级研究分析师, 薪酬副总裁.

对读研感兴趣? 非盟工商管理毕业生继续:

  • 罗切斯特理工学院(创业)
  • 西顿霍尔大学(会计学)
  • 纽约大学(信息技术)
  • 康奈尔大学(卫生管理)
  • 萨福克法学院(法律)
  • 伊萨卡学院(工商管理)
  • 皇冠体育app(工商管理)
  • 纽约城市学院(公共行政)
  • 卡普兰大学(市场营销)
  • 东安格利亚大学(经济学)
  • 麻省法学院(法学)
  • 佛罗里达州立大学(管理信息系统)
  • 布兰登大学(农村发展)

