I5olation 在COVID期间,50幅画x 50名女性雕塑家的作品集

姜穿心莲内酯, 格温阿金, 妮可•贝克, 路易莎·考德威尔, 乔安妮·卡森, 薇薇安Collens, 劳拉Donefer, 莱斯利·弗莱, 信仰Gelvin, 费利西亚Glidden, 辛西娅·汉德尔, 莎拉·哈维兰德, 艾莉森舵, Alexa Horochowski, 朱莉Jabolinksi, 迪莉斯杰克逊, 贾丝汀约翰逊, 玛丽·约翰逊, 林Jurack, 黛博拉·肯尼迪, 莉婉Kerrane, 温迪·克伦佩雷尔, 黛博拉·拉·格拉斯, 珊瑚佩内洛普兰伯特, 西娅Lanzisero, 吉娜Miccinilli, Cristin米勒特, 尼基莫泽, 艾莉墨菲, 玛丽纽鲍尔, Jann南都, 茱莉亚Ousley, 雪莉•欧文斯, 卓拉Palova, 玛莎象素, 戴安娜·彭普利·贝茨, 格伦罗杰斯, 凤凰城的, 凯瑟琳·施奈德, 谭雅西纳尔照前, 克美田中, Steinun Thorarinsdottir, 林恩Todaro, 詹妮弗·托雷斯, 口袋Toscani, 维吉尼亚州泰勒, 安·韦伯, 米娅Westerlund, 玛拉乌尔夫, 乔妮Younkins-Herzog

开放接待: 2月17日晚6点至8点

由Coral Lambert策划 & 辛西娅·汉德尔

这次展览是在雕塑家之间的一次谈话中产生的, Coral Lambert and 辛西娅·汉德尔 when they were checking in on each other in early April 2020. They were discussing how the pandemic was affecting studio work and what kind of support their artists community needed. Many sculptors were turning to drawing because fabrication shops had closed. The resulting I5olation Portfolio project includes various methods of drawing from mixed media and collage, 到传统的铅笔和水彩画. The exhibition represents an international collection of women sculptors from the USA and Europe, all are over 50 years of age and approach sculpture in diverse materials and practices from public and process-based art to installation and performance.