游泳住宿营7/7 - 7/11

这令人兴奋的一周, co-ed summer camp is for swimmers entering grades 7-12 who swim competitively. (营员必须年满12岁). 旨在提高技术方面的中风, training and the strategies needed for each camper to compete at the top level of competitive swimming

2024年7月7日星期日- 7月11日星期四





  • 技术指导
  • 伸展和旱地训练
  • 培训的原则
  • 中风的发展
  • Additional advanced workouts available for competitive swimmers who are in training
  • 练习赛在25码的室内比赛游泳池举行, 位于皇冠体育app麦克莱恩中心
  • 每位运动员将被录影,并收到一张带有中风分析的DVD
  • 有趣的娱乐活动
  • 营的t恤


营总监 布莱恩前锋皇冠体育app游泳和跳水的总教练吗. He was one of the top swimmers in the program’s history while a student at AU, 五次获得全美认证. Coach Striker returned to the University in 2002 to coach the men’s and women’s swimming and diving teams. 在他掌管这个项目的二十年里, he has guided the Saxons to four Upper New York State Collegiate Swimming Association men’s championships (2003, 2007, 2008年及2009年) and five Empire 8 Conference men’s championship titles (2003, 2005, 2007, 2008年及2009年).

Striker is a five-time UNYSCSA and Empire 8 Conference Coach of the Year; athletes he has coached have won 163 Empire 8 individual and relays events and 54 UNYSCSA individual and relay events. He shares the school record for consecutive men’s dual-meet coaching victories (28, from 2005-2009). 他在非盟执教过8名全美选手, 71项个人记录和31项接力赛学校记录被打破. In 2010 Coach Striker was inducted into the Alfred University Athletic Hall of Fame. 这是他担任非盟夏季游泳营主任的第20年.

The beautiful Alfred University campus offers modern buildings and facilities, 一个25码的室内比赛游泳池, 配备最先进设备的教室, 宜人的宿舍、餐厅和许多开放空间.

Each camper must bring a swimming suit, towel, swim cap, fins and goggles.

If three or more swimmers from the same school or team enroll in the camp, 他们将获得每人25美元的折扣. (To be eligible, the same team name must be filled in on each enrollment form.)

Further details and directions will be sent to all campers upon our receipt of their enrollment form and payment.

营员将以先到先得的方式接受报名. 报名人数有限,这个营地很快就满了, 因此,尽早报名是一个好主意. 游泳人士如欲报名,必须填妥报名表并交回, 以及不可退还的夏令营费用.

For further general information please contact the Office of 夏天 项目 at 607-871-2122 或通过 电子邮件. For technical information about the camp please contact the camp director, Coach 布莱恩前锋.

Once campers are accepted they will be provided a link to complete the required documents (parental permissions to attend as well as health records) for camp. Updated immunization information (including dates) is also required at that time. (如果您手头没有最新的免疫信息, you may want to acquire this from your physician now to avoid processing delays.)

当营员不在教练身边的时候, they are supervised by specially-trained Camp Counselors who serve as positive role models, 导师和朋友. 为了确保每个人都有安全, 健康和愉快的校园时光, 暑期学生应遵守学校的规定 暑期课程规则 & 规定.

不参加培训的时候, campers enjoy planned recreational activities such as indoor and outdoor games, 电影, social gatherings at the Terra Cotta Coffee House and a farewell party on the last night. 生活, 一起吃饭和学习, campers have ample opportunity to get to know each other and develop lasting friendships.

Campers stay in secure University residence halls dedicated to summer campers (2 per room) and must bring their own pillows and blankets. 酒店将提供床上/浴室用品, but they can also bring their own (bed linens must fit the extra-long twin residence hall beds). 洗衣设施免费提供. 男性和女性住在不同的楼层. 我们的夏令营辅导员会一直在学生宿舍.

Delicious, all-you-can-eat, cafeteria-style meals are served in the campus dining hall. Our 餐厅 Services chefs do an excellent job in accommodating campers with food allergies and other special requirements.

  • “这真的很有趣,也是一次真正的学习经历. 我感觉自己在游泳时更加自信了. I enjoyed being coached by our coaches and also enjoyed having a lot of freedom. 总的来说,我认为它信息量很大,但也很有趣. 我学到了很多! 谢谢你!!"
  • "I had a really good time and want to thank all the coaches because I feel I improved in many areas."
  • “伟大的营!"
  • "The individual attention was very beneficial, including the stroke evaluations."
  • “在我来到这个营地之前,我没有意识到旱地有多重要. 谢谢 to this camp, I now know how I can prepare for a swim season without a pool!"
  • “我玩得很开心. 你们太棒了! 谢谢你所做的一切!"
  • “这是一个很好的营地,经营得很好. I especially liked the technique work because I feel it will help me a lot in the future. 教练和游泳运动员的比例也很好."
  • “我真的很喜欢这次夏令营! 你们都帮了我很多. 非常感谢!"
  • "Alfred University helped me to enjoy my summer and have fun with the sport I love."
  • “我在这里学到了很多东西,这将帮助我跑得更快. 非常感谢!"
  • “我在蛙泳中踢错了时间. 它是固定的,现在我快多了. 谢谢!"
  • "I enjoyed the recreational activities and free time, too, because everyone around the camp was fun."
  • “我爱我所有的顾问!"
  • “我真的提高了我所有的泳姿,在水里游得更快了."

Alfred University is located in the peaceful vill年龄 of Alfred in Western New York State, 哪里夏天白天温暖,夜晚凉爽舒适. 四周环绕着连绵起伏的丘陵、美丽的草地和山谷, Alfred University is the perfect place to spend an enjoyable week improving your swimming skills and meeting other students with similar interests and abilities.

校园, 距离纽约6小时车程, 离布法罗2小时,离罗切斯特11 /4小时, is easily accessible by car or bus from all directions and is located just five miles south of Interstate 86. The nearest major airport is the Rochester International Airport (about 65 miles north). Transportation to and from that airport can be provided for an additional charge if we receive your request by June 14. After that date campers should make their own arrangements with an airport limo service.

The University may cancel any course or activity at any time because of insufficient enrollment or other unforeseen circumstances. 如果一个节目被取消或推迟, 大学将退还注册费, 但不能承担其他费用, 指控, 或费用, including cancellation/change 指控 assessed by airlines or travel 年龄ncies.

无论是考虑录取候选人还是经济援助, applicants for employment or the man年龄ment of its policies and school-administered programs, 皇冠体育app没有性别歧视, 性取向, 年龄, 比赛, color, 国家或民族出身, 宗教, 或残疾. 皇冠体育app是一个平权行动,机会均等的雇主.