




My current art pract冰 articulates itself around a site-specific approach to installation art which evokes the human perceptual relationship with nature and makes plain an attentiveness to the agency of the natural environment.

Ceramic embodies water, earth, fire, and air in each of its transforming stages. 我将分别探讨这些方面, giving them time and space to act; to later observe the relationships which manifests between elements. I use natural materials that are either exploited or modified by humans, 比如高岭土, 蜂蜡, 盐和木头. The additive process of foreign material to a natural environment demands the need for balance and respect for the ecosystem. My actions question the relations between the non-human and the human, 提出了循环的隐喻, 对气候变化问题的敏感, and to the pursuit of global environmental sustainability.

My artwork is materialized through performance, video, print, earth art, sound, and installation. My performance in the creation of the work uses gesture and analogy of drawing. 我创造了一些线作为空间的切割. 通过抹去地平线, 靠近地面工作, 或者把我的身体从构图中去掉, 发生了错位. The sense of place is taken away, leaving blank stage for the matter and the natural elements to act. I am interested in the ways marks disappear and how time perception varies from the tide, 燃烧的木头的火焰, 慢慢融化的冰.

Through my research, I explore gestures, natural elements, and matters that intra-define one another. My artwork attempts to dissolve boundaries accentuating the generative and resilience of the material forms with which social actors interact. I seek the relationship between the perceiver and the perceived to create a moment where natural elements and human experience are intertwined, 责任和依恋共存的地方, 而具体化意味着消失.