




透过陶瓷透镜, I’m exploring the concept of civilization’s authority over landscape and record of construction as a form of time materialized. The geographical layered strata represent fragments or glimpses into the density of every assemblage. I watch as the intersections and overlaps contemplate the dynamic relationship between materiality and landscape and our attempt to utilize it. Each vessel is made using clay that is colored to reference vibrant natural 音调 found in the wilderness. In the work I’ve been exploring the contrasting qualities and connotations of local small batch clay versus industrially mined materials for ceramic industry. 
Within this I’m looking for the compositions to explore volume and implied volume to construct a kinesthetic visual experience. 设想一下尖锐和柔软, 干湿两用, clay and ceramic speak to these notions of manicured space in an attempt to cultivate order. Interiors become exteriors, and exteriors are revealed. Minimal manipulation of the materials and the inherent qualities categorized and processed. 我在寻找不同的零件算法, 音调, and colors as visual triggers in relationship to one another. 该制度是不断发展的, 尽管某些特征变得相对固定. 这就变成了结构.  
粘土的多种状态引起了我的兴趣. There is an attempt at liberation and cohesion of clay and hand, tethering to a material reality that feels increasingly endangered. 我对粘土的原始音质很感兴趣, 以及如何开火或不开火, 釉料和未加工的粘土在物体中被感知. There is a visual and physical weight of the different states of clay, raw to high fired and everywhere in between and I pay attention and use all with awareness. These concepts are all connected through a form of ideological material inquisition and pursuit of ephemerality within the fading life of wet clay. This concept is harkening back to that physical response to the continuum between clay and maker ceramic or rock and climber. 


贾斯汀·多诺弗里奥在圣克鲁斯长大, CA where he was introduced to clay at Cabrillo Community College. He then joined the vibrant Colorado community of artist in 2013 in the Roaring Fork Valley where he continued his clay education with the support of Anderson Ranch, The Carbondale Clay Center and The Studio for 艺术 and Works (SAW). 他留在科罗拉多州完成了一个B.F.A. from CSU Fort Collins in 2016 and received an MFA from NYSCC at Alfred University in 2021. He is both internationally as well as nationally represented in galleries throughout the U.S. 和国外. Donofrio has been a Windgate 夏天 Scholar at the Archie Bray Foundation and resident at Haystack Mountain School of Crafts. He has been an exhibiting artist and tour co-manager with the 艺术tream Nomadic Gallery, in addition to being selected as one of Ceramics Monthly’s 2018 Emerging Artists. Donofrio was a participant in The Walter Gropius Master Artist Symposium at the Huntington Museum of Art in Fall of 2020.  

日光廊装置陶瓷作品 Click to view 日光廊装置陶瓷作品 全屏

日光浴室 //生粘土, 红精陶器, 彩瓷, 页岩, 釉, 不锈钢, 木, 环氧// 2021

 瓷砖 点击查看瓷砖全屏

// 瓷器, 阿尔弗雷德页岩 Sigillata, 滑, Steel Wall Mount // 2021 // 24 inches h x 28 inches w x 3 inches d

走近甜水陶瓷 Click to view 走近甜水陶瓷 全屏

接近斯威特沃特 //生粘土, 红精陶器, 彩色瓷, 瓷器, 页岩, 釉 // 2021 // 70 inches h x 28 inches w x 24 inches d

陶瓷花瓶栖息在砖的顶部. 点击查看陶瓷花瓶栖息在砖的顶部. 全屏

Ascending Vases: Zenith Vase and 页岩 and Rouge Pink Vase //彩色瓷器, 缎光釉, 阿尔弗雷德页岩, 找到阿尔弗雷德·布里克, 页岩, 釉 // 2021 // Left: 20 inches h x 27 inches w x 10 inches d // Right: 20 inches h x 11 inches w x 8 inches d

墙上挂着砖头和杯子 Click to view 墙上挂着砖头和杯子 全屏

砖和灰泥 // 阿尔弗雷德页岩, 找到阿尔弗雷德·布里克, 不锈钢 Wall Mount // 2021 // 14 inches h x 5 inches w x 4.5英寸d

墙顶有棱角的陶瓷 Click to view 墙顶有棱角的陶瓷 全屏

在重复 // Terra Cotta, 瓷器, 红精陶器 // 2021 // 20 inches h x 90 inches w x 15英寸d

彩色陶瓷花瓶 点击查看彩色,陶瓷花瓶全屏

莫哈韦栗色日落梯度花瓶 //彩色瓷器, 阿尔弗雷德页岩, 滑, 釉 // 2021 // 21 inches h x 15 inches w x 10 inches d

粉红色的生粘土陶瓷表形式 Click to view 粉红色的生粘土陶瓷表形式 全屏

基石 //生粘土, Burnished 红精陶器 // 2021 // 19 inches h x 30 inches w x 26 inches d

砖头和杯子在上面 点击查看砖和杯在顶部全屏

砖和砂浆(详细) // 阿尔弗雷德页岩, 发现阿尔弗雷德页岩砖, 不锈钢 Wall Mount // 2021 // 14 inches h x 5 inches w x 4.5英寸d

日光浴室 //论文展示演练