外语 & 文化研究


发展和完善你的法语和其他外语技能, 庆祝来自世界各地的文化多样性, 甚至用我们的外语出国留学 & 文化研究专业. 这个项目鼓励你去探索世界, 有很强的法国成分, 并提供非盟教育独有的额外福利. 在这里, you'll enjoy so much more in foreign culture studies than simply by majoring in a foreign language alone.





外语 & 文化研究(文学士)


外语 & 文化研究 is an interdisciplinary major with a strong 法国 component that requires 40 credits:

  • 高级法语课程20学分
  • 第二外语至少8学分
  • 法语或相关专业选修12学分

这个专业 is more interdisciplinary and flexible than a traditional foreign language major, preparing students for a wide variety of careers in the global arena.

学生必须修至少20个法语学分. At least 20 credits for the major must be taken on the Alfred University campus.


  • 高级法语语法和写作
  • 主要 level 法国 courses (FREN 202 or above or prior-approval by advisor)
  • Second 外语 (Minimum of 8 credits at the 200-level or above)
  • 相关领域选修课程

Possible electives for the 外语 and 文化研究 with a concentration in 法国 major include*:

  • Additional upper-level courses in 法国 or in another foreign language
  • 全球历史课程,特别是法语或法语国家的历史
  • Global Art 历史 course, p艺术icularly dealing with 法国 and/or Francophone regions
  • 语言学
  • 课程 in 全球研究 and/or Anthropology (such as ANTH 304: Language and Culture)
  • Political Science and/or Economics courses with an international focus

*Please note: This list is not exclusive and may change according to staffing and course offerings.
所有在国外或相关领域的课程(如.g. 历史, 艺术 历史 or linguistics) must be pre-approved by the major advisor.


  • A grade of C or higher must be earned in all courses that count toward a completion of the major
  • 至少20学分用法语授课
  • 在澳大校园必须修满至少20个学分

In addition to fulfilling the requirements of the major in 外语 Cultural Studies, 以及文学院 & 理科通识教育要求, you'll be required to complete the College's First Year Experience Program or Transfer Student Program.

The Division of 现代语言 offers courses each spring in which students have the opportunity to learn about a foreign culture and to travel abroad for two weeks with faculty from the division. These courses foster global awareness and appreciation of intercultural diversity.

全球的视角: Paris enables students to develop an understanding and appreciation of 法国 culture, 这学期在课堂上的第一名, and then during two weeks in Paris in May when students visit all the major monuments and museums and take guided tours of the most beautiful and historically rich neighborhoods of the city. 重点是历史、艺术和当代文化. 这门课程对所有学生开放,用英语授课, 但还是建议你懂点法语.

全球的视角: Spain enables students to develop an understanding and appreciation of other cultures and to enhance their global perspective. The capstone of this course is a two-week trip to Spain in May (approx. 5月20日至6月3日. Course preparation for this trip will compare and contrast the two regional identities of Madrid and Barcelona (Cataluña) as expressed through 艺术, 建筑与媒体形象.

全球的视角: Costa Rica enables students to develop an understanding and appreciation of Costa Rican culture through formal course preparation in Alfred and a two-week opportunity for direct service to the Monteverde community in Costa Rica (May 17-31). Course preparation for this trip will focus on sustainable development, 历史和当代文化包括艺术, 音乐与文学.


Award for Academic Excellence in 现代语言: This award is given to the senior foreign language major with the highest overall grade point average.

专业领域内的荣誉. 这些荣誉可以在毕业时授予高年级学生. 荣誉候选人应具备:

  1. 累积平均绩点为3分.在他们专业领域的课程中取得30分
  2. 通过独立学习获得至少两个学期的学分
  3. 在本专业的顶点考试中表现优异

Lea Powell Prize in 现代语言: This award is given to an outstanding scholar majoring in 现代语言 whose performance serves as an example to others.

现代语言 Culture Award: This award is given to the student who has contributed the most to cultural programs, 包括外语俱乐部活动.

Sigma Iota, 国际外语荣誉协会: This honor society recognizes outstanding accomplishment in the study or teaching of any of the academic fields related to foreign language, 文学与文化. Student members at AU include junior and senior undergraduates of foreign languages who:

  1. 至少有3个.0 average in all foreign-language courses and their entire college work
  2. have completed at least one course, in a foreign language, at the third-year level
  3. rank in the highest 35th percentile of their class in general scholarship

Sigma Iota

Sigma Iota, 国际外语荣誉协会, recognizes outstanding accomplishment in the study or teaching of any of the academic fields related to foreign language, 文学与文化.

Students Invited to Membership at AU include junior and senior undergraduates of foreign language who:

  1. 至少有3个.00 average in all foreign language courses and their entire college work
  2. 已完成至少一门三年级课程
  3. rank in the highest 35th percentile of their class in general scholarship


  • 1922 - founded at Allegheny College in Meadville, Pennsylvania by Dr. 亨利·W. 教堂
  • April 1925 - became a national society when the Beta Chapter was established at The Pennsylvania State University
  • 1926年5月——第一届国际年会在阿勒格尼学院举行
  • 1949 - Sigma Iota was voted into the US Association of College Honor Societies, 第一个获得这一荣誉的语言协会
  • May 12, 1969 - the Sigma Tau Chapter of PSI at Alfred University was established
  • 1982 - the Society became 国际外语荣誉协会 by installing its first chapter in a foreign country at Universidad Regiomontana, 蒙特雷, 墨西哥
  • Today the Society maintains approximately 250 local chapters in the US, France and 墨西哥

Sigma Iota入选者



Kendra Leigh Byrwa
克里斯汀E. 威廉姆斯

亚当B. 布鲁尔
吉莉安T. 马伦
Allison Naclerio


Dannicke N. Chantiloupe
安东尼·C. Davis-Crowder
茉莉一. 拉蒙
丽贝卡•J. 立根

詹妮弗·米. 考克斯
奥布里L. 弗莱
詹妮弗·C. 福特曼

亚当年代. 布里恩
Alina Maria Cepulis
特丽莎L. 弗洛姆
妮可·米. mek
蒂莫西·L. 片场
丹妮卡J. 奥斯特兰德
萨曼莎L. 兰德尔

Kalyn R. 布罗德里克
玛丽珍. 彼得森
Radu Victor Rotaru

恩年代. 赵
Nicholas J. 吉梅内斯
Ean R. 米切尔
Nicholas R. 沃克


外语 & 文化研究专业有很强的法语部分. 学生们经常把这个专业和我们的法语辅修结合起来. 了解更多关于这门辅修课程,请访问 法语辅修页.


有兴趣接受外语教育的学生 & 文化研究 often add a double-major or a minor in 西班牙语 to their academic plan. 了解更多关于我们的西班牙语课程,请访问我们的 西班牙语主要/次要页面.


中国人 courses are offered at the beginning and intermediate levels as an introduction to the Mandarin 中国人 language and a study of the cultures of the People's Republic of 中国.

Instructors for these courses are from the Confucius Institute at Alfred University (CIAU). 他们的母语是普通话.

CIAU代表了AU之间的伙伴关系, the Office of the International 中国人 Language Council and 中国 University of Geosciences in Wuhan, 中国.

The goal of the CIAU is to promote the 中国人 language and culture through education in upstate New York and to help people further their understanding of 中国 today.


课程 are offered in beginning 德国 giving students the ability to acquire language skills through speaking, 阅读, understanding and writing as well as providing knowledge of diverse cultures.

Students have the opportunity to develop intermediate and advanced 德国 language skills through 出国留学 programs, 如:

  • 慕尼黑大学-文科和理科
  • University of Applied 科学 in Koblenz, 德国y - Glass and Ceramics
  • 特里尔商业技术学院
  • 埃尔兰根大学-工程


  • Throughout Europe, more people speak 德国 as their native language than any other language.
  • 德国是欧洲最强大的经济体.
  • 德国是世界最大的出口国之一.
  • Knowing 德国 gives you an edge in business opportunities as 德国 companies account for 700,美国100万个就业岗位, while US companies have created approximately the same number of jobs in 德国y.
  • It is one of the preferred languages for graduate school in many fields including: 历史, 艺术史与哲学.
  • 德国 figures prominently in the world's Engineering and Electronic 艺术.
  • 德语和现代英语都是日耳曼语言, 它们在词汇和结构上有很多相似之处.


At Alfred University, we offer one year of 意大利 Language and Culture. 在这项研究之后, a student may continue with a Topics course which review and expand functional 意大利 language skills, as well as generate appreciation and familiarity with 意大利 culture.

All of the 意大利 courses explore 意大利 历史 and culture from the Renaissance through the Twentieth Century through literature, 诗歌, 艺术, 音乐, 歌剧, 和电影. 提供隔年.


We offer one year of Classical 拉丁 in which students explore the culture of ancient Rome and its empire, 并获得阅读的技能, 写作和翻译拉丁语.


  • Improve your English vocabulary and grammar as we derive approximately 60% of our English words from 拉丁.
  • Much of the technical vocabulary of medicine, law and the natural sciences is derived from 拉丁.
  • 从其他医学院和法学院申请者中脱颖而出.
  • 学习拉丁语会给你学习西班牙语带来优势, 法语和意大利语, as about 80% of the vocabulary in those languages is derived from 拉丁.
  • 阅读古典文学, 神话, 历史, 如作者所愿的哲学和诗歌, 不仅仅是翻译.
  • 对于那些对中世纪研究感兴趣的人来说,这是必须的.
  • 长袍,长袍,长袍...做一个反叛者!


  • Students who have taken more than two years of a language in high school and who intend to take the same language at AU must take the exam.
  • Students who are bilingual or native speakers of the language they wish to take or who have spoken the language at home.
  • Students do not need to take the exam if they did not study a language previously or if they are planning to take a different language in college.

考试用法语、德语和西班牙语进行. Results will be posted for the Advisors only on Banner under Test Scores. 学生无法查看自己的成绩.

Procedure to Demonstrate Proficiency in a Language other than 法国, 德国 and 西班牙语:

  • 注册 外语水平测试服务杨百翰大学
  • 支付费用
  • Schedule your exam with the Division of 现代语言 Chair who will serve as Proctor

一旦你拿到了班纳的考试成绩, 请使用以下注册指引:

  • 你应该从第一学期的课程(101)开始。
  • 201-400 You should st艺术 in the second semester of the language (102)
  • 你应该在第三学期的课程(201)开始。
  • Students who have completed the foreign language requirement are encouraged to continue their foreign language studies. Please contact any faculty member or the office of 现代语言 for guidance choosing which level would be most appropriate.
  • Please Note: To be considered for membership in Phi Beta Kappa students must have, 其他资格, demonstrated intermediate proficiency in a foreign language through 200-level coursework.





The Division of 现代语言 does not accept courses taken online for transfer credit in fulfillment of the 通识教育外语能力(三). The position of the Division of 现代语言 regarding courses taken online is based upon the National Standards for Language Learning as delineated by the American Council on the Teaching of 外语s (ACTFL). 在特殊情况下, the Division of 现代语言 may choose to review this policy on a case by case basis.



如果你的专业是外语文化研究, you may consider double-majoring or minoring in the following related programs:
