Global Studies

Embrace the complexity of our world

Increase your understanding of the complexities of our world. 我们的全球研究计划的目标是不仅让你深入了解各种现代人类模式, histories, environments, and traditions of wide-ranging populations, but more importantly, 它的目的是让你参与到研究这些群体之间的互动以及互动的后果中来.


Campus Locations

Main Campus - Alfred, NY


Global Studies (BA)

Double Major

Double Major option(s) offered.
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Global Studies

Requirements for Global Studies Major:

  1. GLBS 101 Introduction to Global Studies - 4 Credits
  2. 全球经验(全球研究指导老师必须批准)
    Global Experiences may include
    1. (推荐)出国留学(学期,教师主导的短期,富布赖特或同等学历)
    2. 全球主题实习(GLBS 485:全球研究实习)
    3. 在具有国际功能的校园办公室里的勤工俭学. the Education Abroad or International Enrollment offices)
    4. 一个以某种方式“使校园或社区国际化”的非学分项目
    5. 全球主题的独立研究或高级论文(GLBS 450:独立研究)
  3. 第二语言:第四学期能力要求(成功完成FREN/SPAN/ chin202)或语言考试成绩800+,至少8学分的语言教学
  4. 3 out of 4 of the following:
    ANTH 110 Cultural Anthropology - 4 Credits
    ECON 202 Principles of Macroeconomics - 3 Credits
    HIST 107 The World in the 20th Century - 4 Credits
    POLS 271 World Politics - 4 Credits
  5. Electives
    从1-6类至少两门中选择16个选修学分, including at least 2 courses at the 300 or 400 level. 注意:如果任何学科的主题课程有GP指定, 它可能符合全球研究选修课的资格(咨询你的导师).

Categories of Electives

  1. 校外学习(海外学习学年学期前)
    • OCST 301文化导向、反思与参与- 2学分
  2. History
    • • HIST 111 Modern Western History - 4 Credits

      • HIST 120 The Ancient Mediterranean - 4 Credits

      •HIST 130阿兹特克人,印加人和征服者:美洲的殖民主义- 4


      • HIST 153 Modern Latin American History - 4 Credits

      • HIST 223 German History into the 21st Century - 4 Credits

      • HIST 232 African Kingdoms-Egypt-Kongo - 4 Credits

      •HIST 300历史主题(经批准)- 1至4学分

      • HIST 310 The Ancient Greeks - 4 Credits

      • HIST 311 The Roman World - 4 Credits

      • HIST 321 The History of Fascism - 4 Credits

      •HIST 330南非:在曼德拉和穆加贝之间- 2学分

      • HIST 340 Ukraine: Between Putin and the West - 2 Credits

      • HIST 358 Modern China - 4 Credits

      •HIST 363哥特人,撒克逊人和维京人:日耳曼部落从罗马时代到

      the Norman Conquest - 4 Credits

      • HIST 388 Empire and Nation in Eastern Europe - 4 Credits

  3. Political Science
    • POLS 253 Dictatorship and Democracy - 4 Credits
    • POLS 351 European Politics - 4 Credits
    • POLS 373 Terrorism and International Security - 4 Credits
    • POLS 382 Latin American Politics - 4 Credits
    • POLS 200/300/400专题(经批准)- 1至4学分
  4. Economics and Business
    • BUSI 305 German Auto Industry - 4 Credits
    • *BUSI 457 International Business - 3 Credits
    • ECON 202 Principles of Macroeconomics - 3 Credits
    • ECON 412 International Economics - 3 Credits
    • ECON/BUSI/FIN 200/300/400 Topics (upon approval) - 3 Credits
    • *FIN 458国际财务管理- 3学分*MKTG 489国际市场营销- 3学分
      *These courses have prerequisites; see course descriptions
  5. Cultural Anthropology/Interdisciplinary Studies
    • *ANTH 303 Health and Culture - 4 Credits
    • *ANTH 304 Language and Culture - 4 Credits
    • *ANTH 470 Field Work - 2 to 4 Credits
    • ANTH 200/300/400人类学专题- 1至4学分
    • FREN 210 Global Perspectives: Paris - 2 Credits
    • *FREN 316 Contemporary French Culture - 4 Credits
    • WGST 200/300/400专题(经批准)- 1至4学分
      *These courses have prerequisites; see course descriptions
  6. Art/Literature/Communications/Language
    • ARTH 126 Buddhist Arts of Asia - 2 Credits
    • ARTH 127 Arts of Ancient India - 2 Credits
    • ARTH 300/400 Topics in Art History (upon approval) 2-4
    • ARTH 304 Global Arts: Contemporary Asia - 4 Credits
    • ARTH 305南亚艺术15-20c:莫卧儿到现代- 4学分
    • ARTH 306 Arts of Japan - 4 Credits
    • ARTH 307 East Asian Design and Material Culture - 4 Credits
    • ARTH 354 Recent Sculptural Practices - 4 Credits
    • ARTH/WGST 382 Gender and Art History 4
    • ARTH 466非西方世界的摄影史- 4学分
    • COMM 200/300/400 Topics in Communication 1-4
    • COMM 221 Pop Culture Goes Global - 4 Credits
    • 理解全球媒体和文化变迁- 4学分
    • COMM 325 Global Communication - 4 Credits
    • ENGL 226 The Holocaust and Literature - 4 Credits
    • ENGL/WGST 481 International Women Writers 4
    • *FREN 312 French Literature II 4
    • MUSC 211 World Music - 4 Credits
    • 从正义中流亡:非洲和西班牙的赤道几内亚作家- 4
    • 西班牙巴斯克文学的炸弹和选票- 4学分
    • SPAN 220 Literatura Infantil y Juvenil - 4 Credits
    • SPAN/WGST 215 Framing Gender: Latin Amer Film 4
    • SPAN/WGST 216 Cuba Close Up: Film since Revolution 4
    • *SPAN 311 Peninsular Culture and Literature I 4
    • *SPAN 312 Peninsular Culture and Literature II 4
    • *SPAN 315 Latin American Culture and Literature I 4
    • *SPAN 316 Latin American Culture and Literature II 4
    • *SPAN 400 Topics in Hispanic Literature 1-4
      *These courses have prerequisites; see course descriptions
  7. Philosophy and Religion
    • RLGS 105 Introduction to Religions of the World - 4 Credits
Total credit hours 48-50
Upon completion of this program a student is able to:
  1. Demonstrate the ability to identify, 描述和批判性地分析全球研究的主要概念和知识框架.
  2. 认识和评估全球文化的不同方式, social, economic, 政治和技术力量塑造了集体和个人的发展轨迹.
  3. 在广泛的当代全球挑战(如经济发展)上建立明智的立场, clashing cultures, environmental degradation, violence, 国际恐怖主义——用逻辑和证据捍卫自己的立场.
  4. 认识到世界上不同语言群体的文化差异, nationalities, religions, and other distinct group identities.
  5. 评估学者提供的论据和证据的质量, peers, public media, and themselves.
  6. Demonstrate improved oral and written communication skills.

View general education requirements.

Requirements for Global Studies minor:

I. Foundation Courses (required)

  • 现代语言:具备相当于两门四学分课程的能力
  • GLBS 101 Intro to Global Studies

II. Electives

在与全球研究顾问/项目主任协商后, choose 2 of these Global Studies core courses:

  • ANTH 110 Cultural Anthropology
  • HIST 107 The World in the 20th Century
  • POLS 271 World Politics
  • 在全球研究选修课程中获得300或400个额外学分

Suzy Hansen posterSuzy Hansen: Seeing America From A Distance

Contributing writer for The New York Times Magazine; Author of Notes on a Foreign Country Pulitzer Prize Finalist

Wednesday, November 6th, 2019
Nevins Theater, Powell Campus Center

免费向公众开放,之后还有签售会和招待会, 11月7日,全球研究学院举行了小组讨论, 2019 at Alfred University's Scholes Library. 文理学院提供了支持, Provost and Chief Operating Officer Office, and Divisions of Social Sciences, Human Studies, and Psychology and Communication.

Global Studies fosters global awareness, 熟练掌握现代语言,并为新闻等领域的各种职业提供机会, international relations, government services and many more.

Recent examples include:

  • African Studies
  • African-American Studies
  • Middle Eastern Studies
  • Latin American Studies
  • Linguistics
  • Asian Studies
  • International Business
  • International and Comparative Education
  • Teaching English as a Second Language/Foreign Language
  • International Relations & Affairs
  • Demography/Population Studies Language Interpretation & Translation

Student Stories

Matt and a friend.

Communication & Global Studies Applied to a Military Career

"Alfred is what you make it. If you want to be adventurous and try new things, 总有人愿意在每个角落分享他们的经历."

Matthew Barnhart, 2017
Find out more about Matthew

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