Samuel Marchan

Samuel MarchanSamuel Marchan holds his Bachelor's Degree in 中提琴 Performance from the Juilliard School and his Master's Degree in Music Performance from New York University. Sam is the founder and 中提琴 member of the Carpentier String Quartet, AXIS Guitar Quintet and Philharmonic Orchestra of the Americas in NY.

Presently Samuel is the Astoria’s Symphony Principal viola, is an member of the Park Avenue Chamber Symphony, Musica de Camara organization, one of the main Latin American music ensembles in New York City.

Artistic Director for the Union City Music Project, the premier el SISTEMA modeled program in New Jersey and recently nationally featured on a PBS/Annenberg Foundation Documentary, The Power of Music: teaching inspired by El SISTEMA and recently was honored by the Heroes of the Community Foundation for their work in the Latino community using music as a social integrator by the Office of the New Jersey’s First Lady.

Samuel is an 中提琴, Violin Faculty for the Kaufman Center/Lucy Moses School and Instructor at the two main New York City Performing 艺术 High Schools, the Frank Sinatra High School and La Guardia High School.

Last summer Samuel was invited by the City of Boca del Rio en Veracruz Mexico and its Philharmonic Orchestra to implement an instrumental orchestra program: Orquestando Armonia, where he trained 14 teachers and 150 children and created the first full Symphonic Paper Orchestra.

The Baroque 中提琴 Project is an personal project in which has been involved, to promote and discover repertory that enhances the 中提琴 as an solo instrument.

Soloist with the Merida Philharmonic in Venezuela, Samuel is recipient of the 2005 King Park Chavez 访问ing Professorship Award from the University of Michigan.