2018 Finalists


Christian Chiu

Christian Chiu

Pittsburgh, PA

Christian Chiu, 15岁,就读于Upper St. 宾夕法尼亚州匹兹堡的克莱尔高中. At the age of ten, he made his orchestral debut with the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra. He has been prizewinner and finalist in national and international competitions, 包括MostArts音乐节钢琴比赛和Arthur Fraser国际钢琴比赛/东南钢琴节(SEPF). He currently studies privately with Professor Natasha Snitkovsky. 阅读下面的完整简介...

Ashley Kim

Ashley Kim

Winnetka, IL

Ashley, age 14, is a freshman at New Trier High School in Illinois. 她现在和Brenda Huang一起学习钢琴,她从五岁开始上钢琴课. Ashley won second prize winner of the 2017 Emilio Del Rosario Concerto Competition. 她是芝加哥交响乐团青年艺术家协奏曲比赛和德保罗协奏曲音乐节的优秀奖. 阅读下面的完整简介...

Tyler Kim

Tyler Kim

San Diego, CA

15岁的韩裔美国钢琴家泰勒·金, 10岁时,他在维也纳奥斯堡宫与维也纳国际乐团合作,首次参加音乐会, Austria. Since then, he’s performed with various orchestras including the San Diego Symphony, 内陆谷交响乐, 阿利坎特爱乐乐团, Temecula山谷交响乐, 蒙哥马利交响乐团. 阅读下面的完整简介...

Angeline Ma

Angeline Ma

Berwyn, PA

15岁的钢琴家Angeline Ma从5岁开始学习钢琴,目前师从Susan Starr. 安吉琳曾在包括普林斯顿音乐节钢琴比赛在内的比赛中获奖, 肯尼特广场交响乐比赛, 三县青年节, International Young Artist Piano Competition in Washington DC, 在哈特福德举办的肖邦国际钢琴比赛, CT, and Kosciuszko Foundation Chopin Competition in Washington DC. 阅读下面的完整简介...

Maxine Park

Maxine Park

Lyme, NH

Maxine Park, thirteen, is an eighth-grader at Crossroads Academy in Lyme, NH. 她从7岁起就是米拉·菲拉托娃的学生. Maxine has received top prizes at numerous regional and international competitions, 包括肖邦国际钢琴比赛, 帕德列夫斯基国际比赛, 马萨诸塞州施坦威协会钢琴比赛 and many more. 阅读下面的完整简介...

Simeon Radev

Simeon Radev

Orangeburg, SC

Simeon Radev was born near Boston and now lives in Orangeburg, South Carolina, 他现在的老师在哪里. 艾伦温伯格(钢琴)和博士. 威廉·特威利格(小提琴). He gives recitals on both instruments and plays with orchestras. 西蒙·拉德夫(Simeon Radev)来自一个艺术家庭. 他的祖父是保加利亚皇家交响乐团的小提琴家和指挥家. 七岁的时候, Simeon was admitted to study piano at the National School of Music in Bulgaria, 他在哪里待了两年. 阅读下面的完整简介...

Perren-Luc Thiessen

Perren-Luc Thiessen

McKinney, TX

Perren-Luc Thiessen, a 15-year-old pianist from Texas, studies with Dr. Tamás Ungár和Dr. Mary Humm. He has had private lessons and performed in Master Classes with Balazs Szokolay, Berndt Goetzke, 斯坦尼斯拉夫Ioudenitch, 安东尼奥Pompa-Baldi, 亚历山大Korsantia, Natarzyna Popowa-Zydron, Fabio Bidini, Andraz Jasinski. 阅读下面的完整简介...



Syosset, NY

克里斯托弗Zandieh began his Suzuki piano studies at age 4 on Long Island, and, by age 6, enrolled at the School for Strings in NYC as a student of Marina Obukovsky. 他现在14岁, in his fourth year of study at the Juilliard School as a student of Ernest Barretta, 是长岛Syosset高中的九年级学生. 阅读下面的完整简介...

Christian Chiu, 15岁,就读于Upper St. 宾夕法尼亚州匹兹堡的克莱尔高中. At the age of ten, he made his orchestral debut with the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra. He has been prizewinner and finalist in national and international competitions, 包括MostArts音乐节钢琴比赛和Arthur Fraser国际钢琴比赛/东南钢琴节(SEPF). He currently studies privately with Professor Natasha Snitkovsky.

Ashley, age 14, is a freshman at New Trier High School in Illinois. 她现在和Brenda Huang一起学习钢琴,她从五岁开始上钢琴课. Ashley won second prize winner of the 2017 Emilio Del Rosario Concerto Competition. 她是芝加哥交响乐团青年艺术家协奏曲比赛和德保罗协奏曲音乐节的优秀奖. She got 2nd place at the Sejong Music Competition senior division 2017, 2016年青年组一等奖. 她还获得了2016年美国音乐家协会中级组和2015年初级组的第一名. She is the winner of the 2015 Granquist Music competition, olympic division. 阿什利获得了包括伊利诺伊州音乐教师协会在内的众多奖项.

除了钢琴,阿什利还喜欢和她的朋友们以及学校的交响乐团演奏小提琴. 她喜欢数学,喜欢和朋友出去玩. She also enjoys performing at retirement homes around suburbs of Chicago.

15岁的韩裔美国钢琴家泰勒·金, 10岁时,他在维也纳奥斯堡宫与维也纳国际乐团合作,首次参加音乐会, Austria. Since then, he’s performed with various orchestras including the San Diego Symphony, 内陆谷交响乐, 阿利坎特爱乐乐团, Temecula山谷交响乐, 蒙哥马利交响乐团.

他最近在竞争激烈的场景中取得的成就包括布朗特-斯劳森青年艺术家比赛的第一名, 1st place at the Mondavi Center National Young Artists Competition, 加州MTNA比赛第一名, 和MTNA西南分部的候补. 最近,泰勒在洛杉矶音乐中心的聚光灯比赛中获得了大奖,奖金为5美元,000, 阿斯彭音乐节的全额奖学金, 以及在迪斯尼音乐厅演出的机会.

协奏曲之外, 泰勒已举行过几次独奏会, 包括在卡内基音乐厅的两场演出, an hour-long American Cancer Society Benefit Concert on behalf of Jacob’s House, 以及在拉霍亚里福德图书馆举办的由“古典音乐倡导者”赞助的独奏会. 泰勒还喜欢参加室内合奏,并演出了许多作品,包括德沃夏克钢琴四重奏, 阿伦斯基钢琴三重奏. 1、贝多芬春季奏鸣曲与勃拉姆斯钢琴三重奏. 1.

Tyler is a freshman at Temecula Valley High School and lives with his parents, younger sister, and dog, Happy. 他目前在李明珠(Myong-Joo Lee)那里学习, and Fabio Bidini at the Colburn Academy in downtown Los Angeles.

15岁的钢琴家Angeline Ma从5岁开始学习钢琴,目前师从Susan Starr. 安吉琳曾在包括普林斯顿音乐节钢琴比赛在内的比赛中获奖, 肯尼特广场交响乐比赛, 三县青年节, International Young Artist Piano Competition in Washington DC, 在哈特福德举办的肖邦国际钢琴比赛, CT, and Kosciuszko Foundation Chopin Competition in Washington DC. 安杰琳是2017年格林菲尔德比赛少年组的决赛选手,与费城交响乐团合作, as well as a 2017-2018 Chopin Foundation of the United States scholarship recipient. 安吉琳是两次弗拉基米尔奖的获得者 & 海源费尔茨曼钢琴基金会奖学金.

In 2017, Angeline gave a recital at Keneseth Israel in Elkins Park. 2018年,她作为蒙格斯奖学金获得者与安布尔交响乐团合作演出. Angeline has also performed at the Polish Embassy in Washington, D.C. as a prizewinner in the Kosziuszko Foundation Chopin Competition. Angeline has taken master classes with the likes of Vladimir Feltsman, Eleanor Sokoloff, 弗拉基米尔•Ovchinnikov, Tamas Ungar, Philip Kawin, Victor Rosenbaum, 亚历山大·科桑蒂亚.

Angeline来自宾夕法尼亚州的Berwyn. 她目前是康内斯托加高中的大二学生,是2017年学校领导和服务奖的获得者.

Maxine Park, thirteen, is an eighth-grader at Crossroads Academy in Lyme, NH. 她从7岁起就是米拉·菲拉托娃的学生. Maxine has received top prizes at numerous regional and international competitions, 包括肖邦国际钢琴比赛, 帕德列夫斯基国际比赛, 马萨诸塞州施坦威协会钢琴比赛, New England Piano Teachers Association Mildred Freiberg Middle School Competition, and New Hampshire Granite State Piano Competition in both solo and duet categories.

在过去的两年里, 玛克辛曾在几个管弦乐队担任独奏家, 包括卡内基音乐厅威尔独奏厅的纽约协奏曲小交响乐团,以及2016-2017演出季纳舒厄室内乐团的客座艺术家. 她被邀请在巴斯科-兹德鲁伊举行的国际肖邦音乐节“Lato z Chopinem”上表演, 2016年和2018年的波兰. In addition to performing multiple times at Carnegie Hall and Boston’s Symphony Hall, Maxine has performed in public master classes with Simone Dinnerstein, Emilie Naoumoff, John Perry, and Ilana Vared. 她还在From the Top制作的两个视频中担任表演者:“星球大战音乐混搭”和“神奇的音乐家和在哪里找到他们”.”

Outside of music, Maxine has placed in state and national math competitions and enjoys science, writing, and poetry. In 2017, she was one of 28 students in the USA named a Caroline D. Bradley Scholar and awarded a full four-year, merit-based high school scholarship. She will be attending Phillips Exeter Academy, starting this fall.

Simeon Radev was born near Boston and now lives in Orangeburg, South Carolina, 他现在的老师在哪里. 艾伦温伯格(钢琴)和博士. 威廉·特威利格(小提琴). He gives recitals on both instruments and plays with orchestras. 西蒙·拉德夫(Simeon Radev)来自一个艺术家庭. 他的祖父是保加利亚皇家交响乐团的小提琴家和指挥家. 七岁的时候, Simeon was admitted to study piano at the National School of Music in Bulgaria, 他在哪里待了两年. 西蒙对音乐艺术的热情始于莫扎特. 那时我才七岁, he played Faccile (first movement) at the National Palace of Culture in Sofia, a performance broadcasted on national television on Christmas Day.

His first DVD recording, at age eleven, was Bach’s D minor concerto (first movement). 15岁时,西蒙在哥伦比亚的同一周内完成了他的管弦乐首演,演奏钢琴(海顿)和小提琴(卡巴列夫斯基), South Carolina. He served as South Carolina All State Orchestra Concertmaster when he was sixteen, 当他十七岁的时候, 南卡罗莱纳音乐教育协会授予他与全国荣誉乐团的演出.

西蒙是南卡罗来纳音乐教师协会的大三和大四冠军, 全国音乐教师协会, 亚特兰大浪漫印象派钢琴比赛(2014), 青年艺术家表演比赛(2016年), 2017), and Grand Prix recipient at Nessebar International Young Artists Festival (2015). 他是国家音乐俱乐部的奖学金获得者, 南卡罗来纳州长艺术学校, 以及范德比尔特大学布莱尔音乐学院.

Simeon is excited to research why music improves intelligence, happiness, 和职业道德.

Perren-Luc Thiessen, a 15-year-old pianist from Texas, studies with Dr. Tamás Ungár和Dr. Mary Humm. He has had private lessons and performed in Master Classes with Balazs Szokolay, Berndt Goetzke, 斯坦尼斯拉夫Ioudenitch, 安东尼奥Pompa-Baldi, 亚历山大Korsantia, Natarzyna Popowa-Zydron, Fabio Bidini, Andraz Jasinski.

Perren-Luc了自己的交响乐处子秀与会议即将在12岁时在意大利国际音乐大师节和出现Padereweski钢琴学院, 圆岩交响乐, 和沃斯堡市民交响乐团. 他在2017年美国美术国际协奏曲比赛中获胜后,受邀在莫斯科与乐团一起演出. Additionally, he participates in the Semper International Music Festival in Völs am Schlern, Italy, 卡托维兹国际钢琴大师班, Poland, 2017年,Perren-Luc成为德克萨斯钢琴学院精英青年艺术家项目中最年轻的参与者, where he performed again in June of this year with the 圆岩交响乐. 他也是十五个决赛选手之一(也是唯一一个被选中参加大钢琴比赛的美国人), 由Denis Matsuev创立, 2018年春天在莫斯科柴可夫斯基音乐学院演出.

在他的国际奖项中,最重要的是在英国享有盛誉的2017年北方国际钢琴比赛青年钢琴家中获得一等奖和浪漫作品最佳表演奖, and Second Prize, 最具潜力青年艺术家, and Best Chopin Performance in the Tkaczewski International Competition in Poland. 同样在2017年,他在首届国际钢琴比赛中获得一等奖,并在2017年卡内基(威尔)音乐厅举行了首场独奏会,并在维也纳美丽的埃尔巴萨尔音乐厅进行了类似的演出. He has won numerous First Prizes in Texas in both Concerto and Solo Competitions, including First Prize at the Texas Music Teachers Association Solo Competition, 并在沃斯堡市立交响乐团主办的协奏曲比赛中获得一等奖, Plano Symphony, 和路易斯维尔交响乐团.


克里斯托弗Zandieh began his Suzuki piano studies at age 4 on Long Island, and, by age 6, enrolled at the School for Strings in NYC as a student of Marina Obukovsky. 他现在14岁, in his fourth year of study at the Juilliard School as a student of Ernest Barretta, and a 9th他是长岛Syosset高中的高三学生, where he is also the principal alto saxophonist in the Jazz Band. 克里斯托弗6岁时第一次在卡内基音乐厅演出,三年后作为音乐节国际比赛的大奖得主再次来到这里. 在过去的几年里,他参加了几次著名钢琴家的大师班, 包括Lydia Artymiw, 安德烈亚斯·克莱因和国际演奏家郎朗.

In October 2014, 克里斯托弗从100位钢琴家中脱颖而出,作为特邀独奏家为奥巴马先生演出. 他是长岛蒂尔斯中心国际101钢琴家项目的一部分. 2016年,他是第1st 伟大作曲家比赛的获奖者, and, last year, was a semi-finalist in the Kaufman International Youth Piano Competition. In December 2016, Christopher was a featured soloist at the Piano Showcase in Rochester, NY, 参加一年一度的纽约学校音乐协会会议. In the same month, 克里斯托弗在茱莉亚学院预科部的年度钢琴比赛中获胜,并演奏了莫扎特的第一号钢琴协奏曲. 21日在林肯中心的彼得·杰伊·夏普剧院与茱莉亚学院预科交响乐团合作.

A month later, he was chosen as a finalist for the Chappaqua Orchestra Concerto Competition, 合奏212青年艺术家比赛, 以及纽约室内管弦乐团比赛. 最近,他是2nd prize winner of this year’s Chappaqua Orchestra Concerto Competition. Last year, Christopher was the Grand Prize winner of the 2018 MostArts Festival, which has led to this year’s performance of the Chopin Piano Concerto No. 在2019年的开幕晚会上.