


为雇主和皇冠体育app职业发展工作人员提供一个论坛,就大学以外的各种职业和就业问题进行相关讨论. 从这些讨论中收集的信息将有助于皇冠体育app学生的职业规划和服务的质量和影响.




艾米·班尼特 is the Chief Operating Officer of Northern Lights Candles, 韦尔斯维尔一家卓越的豪华蜡烛制造商, NY. The company employs 150+ candlemakers, selling candles world-wide for over 40 years.

She is an Alfred University alum with an MFA from the NYSCC, 是什么开启了产品设计的职业生涯. Her designs have circumnavigated the globe and taken her to fascinating corners of the world. Designing and developing products introduced her to 制造业 operations, 质量安全责任, 遵守社会和道德规范, 消费经济学, sales, 贸易展的设计, 物流, 产品测试, planning, 与采购. 

Bennett is a wife, mother, foodie, and avid art collector. 她每天在书桌上点一支蜡烛.

蕾妮Duquetterensame Duquette Sheer


Renée received her Bachelor of Arts degree in Mathematics from Alfred University in 2013. 在她大学期间, she also studied Physics and French (spending a semester in Le Mans, France), 担任学术导师, 并在职业发展中心实习. 爱上职业服务, rensame决定在2015年继续在非盟大学学习,获得心理健康咨询硕士/CAS学位. 在研究生学习期间, she continued to intern with the CDC and worked as a Resident Director (in then Reimer Hall).

皇冠体育app毕业后, she joined Warsaw Central School District as the District’s Career Coordinator. A new role at the time, Renée created a Career Center that helps students in grades K-12. She partners with local employers to offer job shadows, 模拟面试, and various other career exploration and development programs. 她目前在华沙中央农业咨询委员会任职,并在中大西洋职业咨询协会(MACCA)董事会任职第四年.



Mengel, Metzger, Barr的校长 & Co. LLP

梅根·哈伯德 received her Bachelor of Science in Accounting from Alfred University in 2008. Upon receiving her degree, she joined regional public accounting firm Mengel, Metger, Barr & Co. LLP (MMB), where she currently serves as a CPA and Principal within the firm’s tax department. Servicing clients throughout the Southern Tier and Northern Pennsylvania, 梅根专门从事不同行业的企业和合伙企业的税收, 包括农业综合企业, 制造业, 租赁房地产. 作为公司领导团队的一员, 她在几个公司委员会任职, 包括税务质素控制, 税务管理, 和招聘.

Megan和她的丈夫Andy以及他们的三个孩子Hayden, Maggie和Owen住在纽约的Avoca. 除了享受与家人在一起的时光外,她还是社区中一名积极的志愿者. 她目前担任Avoca Central School District教育委员会主席, 以及Avoca村的青少年棒球专员和布埃纳维斯塔卫斯理教堂的助理财务主管.



卡洛琳Buchas在皇冠体育app获得美术学士学位,主修平面设计,辅修市场营销. 在非盟期间, Caroline是Openhym Hall的住宿助理,也是职业发展中心的实习生. 2017年从皇冠体育app毕业后, Caroline joined MiLB’s Hartford Yard Goats as a Creative Services Associate in Hartford, 康涅狄格.

Caroline has now relocated back to her hometown of Buffalo, NY, where she is the Business Development Manager for The Martin Group. 卡罗琳负责管理整个布法罗市场营销机构的所有潜在商机, Rochester, 和奥尔巴尼办事处. With previous graphic designer roles at The Martin Group and Delaware North, Caroline has design experience supporting clients such as Wegmans, 尼亚加拉瀑布州立公园, 和大峡谷. She continues to design as a freelancer for clients like The Buffalo Zoo, 精益求精的骨科, 偶尔职业运动队也会改头换面.

卡洛琳的专业成就包括在2020年获得美国职业棒球大联盟礼品包装设计金奖, as well as a top-selling cap design for Minor League Baseball in 2018. 她目前担任AAF布法罗的董事会成员, where Caroline will begin her two-year presidential term in July 2021.

卡洛琳于2021年8月结婚. She met her husband, Tucker, at Alfred University in 2013. They now reside in Lancaster, NY with their two dogs, Wayne and Bo.


Director of Talent Development-Division, PCC Airfoils, LLC

Scotty于1999年加入PCC airfoil,并在包括工程在内的各种制造角色中工作, 招聘, 人力资源, 专业发展. 在他目前的职位上,他专注于人力资本规划的战略发展,包括机翼部及其18个制造业务的招聘和合作项目的发展. Scotty拥有费尔蒙特州立大学安全工程学士学位和西弗吉尼亚大学安全与环境管理硕士学位.


首席执行官Dixon Schwabl

作为Dixon Schwabl公司最近任命的首席执行官, Kim is responsible for carrying on the legacy of the agency’s founders, Lauren Dixon and Mike Schwabl who now serve as officers of the firm’s board of directors. She oversees the overall growth and strategic direction of the agency. Kim ensures the 100 team members of Dixon Schwabl are growing along with the agency. 她与他们一起工作,以维持该机构33年历史中建立的以员工为中心的著名文化.

A graduate of Ithaca College with a BS in communications, Kim began her career in public relations in 1996 as an administrative assistant at Eric Mower & 的同事. She joined Dixon Schwabl in 2001, taking on the role of managing partner in 2012. 在她的职业生涯中,Kim曾在许多组织的董事会任职,目前担任美国心脏协会和Mercy Flight Central的董事会成员. 她也是大罗切斯特联合之路2021年内阁成员,并担任RIT通信学院顾问委员会成员, 广告与公关.

Kim is a mom to two children, her daughter Norynn, 12, and son Simon, 11. She resides in Victor her kids and her husband, Josh (not the Buffalo Bills QB...).




文斯Pascarella获得皇冠体育app刑事司法和政治学理学学士学位.  During his time at AU, Vince was a devoted distance swimmer for the Saxon Men’s Swimming & Diving Team and was involved with the AU Political Science Club. After graduating from AU in 2012, Vince joined Enterprise Rent-A-Car in Hamburg, NY.

加入企业以来, 文斯在果园公园管理办公室, 奇克, 和尼亚加拉大瀑布, NY. 文斯对培训和发展员工的热情, 再加上他管理销售业务的能力, 结果赢得了客户服务分数, 提高盈利能力, 还有几次晋升. In 2018, Vince was promoted to his current role as Business Rental Sales Executive.  在这个角色中, 文斯正在寻找并与当地的公司合作,这些公司向员工出租或报销里程.  在确定了当地公司的需求之后, 文斯与企业和国家汽车租赁公司建立了一个定制的旅行计划,专门针对每家公司的地面交通需求量身定制.

文斯是一名敬业的非盟校友, he is a member of the Saxon Circle and regularly participates in Saxon Nation events.  他目前已经订婚,将于2020年结婚.  他和他的未婚妻伊丽莎白住在纽约兰开斯特.


Senior Development Associate – Ceramics, Corning Incorporated

Doug获得了玻璃科学学士学位, 1992), 陶瓷工程硕士, 1994), 和博士(玻璃科学), 2003年获得皇冠体育app学位. 他于2004年加入康宁公司,目前担任工艺开发科学家和技术经理,为康宁环境技术部开发新产品和工艺.

Doug是一位经验丰富的技术领导者,拥有20多年开发创新新材料和工艺的实践经验. 他有能力交付高质量的产品和流程,并在预算范围内按时交付, 在市场上拥有技术优势. Doug has a proven track record of identifying opportunities, 建设团队, 主导工艺创新项目, 成长和指导他人. 他展示了从概念到开发同时管理高技术和非技术项目的能力, 验证和扩展.

Doug resides in Corning, NY with his wife, Erin, and their two daughters.



Expert-In-Residence, McComsey职业发展中心 at Alfred University

布鲁斯·普自1998年以来一直是皇冠体育app职业发展中心的驻校专家, where he has provided volunteer support in student career counseling, as well as lecturing on networking and interview preparation for the CDC. He also has supported the CDC staff through strategic direction discussions on projects, such as the development of LinkedIn for student use at AU. Mr. Kulp has been an Honorary Alumnus of Alfred University since 2000.

自1997年以来,他一直担任the Alfred University College of Business的驻校高管, 讲授电子商务的新创新, ERP系统, 安全和全球数据通信, 技术, networking and voice communications to undergraduate and graduate business students.

Mr. Kulp花了30多年的时间在一个地区的数据和语音/VoIP通信领域担任各种行政和管理职位, 包括道尔安全公司在内的国家和全球层面, 擅长电脑, 边疆通讯公司/环球电讯公司, One Communications, Globalinx和VoIP Logic. 他致力于开发各种创新的网络和基于互联网的电话技术,包括:管理访问, 管理服务, 管理安全, IP-VPN和语音/VoIP业务. 他最近从全职工作中退休,目前是马萨诸塞州VoIP逻辑的顾问. Bruce graduated with a BS from the University of Rochester in 1976.




蒂姆的职业生涯一直致力于为企业和纽约西部社区服务. He spent summers during college working at Business Methods in warehouse/shipping, 毕业后转行卖二手设备. His career path continued upward eventually moving Tim into the corner office as President, 并在2001年成为了合伙人. After merging with Toshiba in 2004, Tim remained as Executive Vice President. Today, 他领导着一个10人的文档管理销售团队, 一个4人的MPS团队, and a 4-person professional solutions group – with employee turnover of less than 5%. His sales team has one of the highest market shares across the country for Toshiba.